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Monday, December 27, 2010

Cyberinch - Brand building

Solution and Medium Used
Medium selected which is the interactive installation, the main idea is to create brand awareness and draw everyone’s attention, creates word-of-mouth by spreading the products news much effective. The medium is an interactive installation using a new application platform called (AR) Augmented Reality focusing on “Paper vision” effect, what it does it project a hologram-liked 3D from the webcam displaying back a 3D object in your screen. The use of this medium certainly helps me for building up my brand new product and hopefully penetrates into this competitive market.
The concept of my interactive installation is going to be a 3D object projected via a webcam,  the 3D object has my graphic design on my 3D car which to promote my brand and creating brand awareness. The main core of the concept is to create a serene mood where the audience get a chance to experience the true meaning of 3D and in real time by holding a platform which to stimulate the audience with the amazement.
My product is all about stick and peel graphic stickers on vehicle, another reason for this project is about personality, bring out the creativity in every one of us, life is not just about drive to work and come back home repeat back and forth every day, express yourself in more indulging way by sticking some wonderful graphic stickers onto your vehicle it makes your life more meaningful and stay youthful all the time. The whole concept conveying a message behind this which also promotes art and design.

Single-minded message
Promote Arts and design

Executive Summary
The concept is about personality, bring out the creativity in every individual, personalize yourself through your vehicle and yourself, experience whole new meaning of driving, besides that it strongly conveys a message behind which is promoting art and design.


Revamp Justlife website

Revamp Dunhill website

My logo identity design 2010

Univerchine 2529

Tropicraft web design


Scale 1:4 car model Mercedes Benz CLK 85

FieldMarshal Banner

Playstation poster

T-shirt chinese dragon (printed)

Legend of Ogopogo

Korn CD cover

FMJ logo design

GT cap logo

DJ Tron Logo Design

Forum navigation design

Present illustration

Keris Typography Design

Samurai spirit